Project Highlights
Accelerate transformation to world-class hospital status
Assessment defined necessary roadmap for change
Project addressed cultural norms and urgent operational needs
Significant progress in transition to treatment mall operations

Annualized OT savings
Better resource utilization
Fewer recruiting steps
Faster time-to-hire
Lean Leaders trained
Catalyzing change to transform a 128-year old hospital culture.
Oregon State Hospital (OSH) ― a 128-year-old state psychiatric institution with a troubled past ― embarked on a Cultural Excellence project to transform its entire organization through the relocation of its operations to new facilities and the full-on application of a recovery-focused model of patient care. OSH’s commitment to the transformation was, in large part, a response to the recommendations of various federal, state and independent authorities following periods of public controversy and problematic administration.
OSH engaged Kaufman Global to layout an ambitious plan, implement / facilitate necessary changes, reconstitute essential processes and structures, and coach OSH personnel on how to implement and sustain future changes on their own. Within little more than a year, drastic improvements in culture and operations were evident. Today, expanding pockets of Lean expertise are colliding with organization-wide energy and enthusiasm, taking continuous improvement to the next level.

“There was a moment in time when it just clicked. People got it, they understood it, they liked it, they valued it, all the way to the unit level. From that point on, things really began to take off pretty quickly.”
Greg Roberts, Oregon State Hospital Superintendent
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