Project Highlights
Regulated utility company targeting functional efficiency
Finance, Accounting, Human Resources, IT and Public Policy
Developed a common understanding of Lean office
Clarified perceptions about silos and improvement barriers

Cross-functional leaders
Functional interfaces mapped
Sub-processes described
Prioritized improvement opportunities
Beginning the journey to OpEx in Corporate Resources
This large utility had seen success with Lean in its service sectors with truck and equipment utilization. They wanted to determine how to effectively adopt such practices within the corporate organization. Kaufman Global was enlisted to facilitate a leadership workshop aimed at engaging the executive staff, improving their understanding of OpEx and getting them started on the journey with a clear path forward.
The two-day workshop was a mix of education and hands-on exercises, group learning and decision-making. The team gained a systems view of cross-functional challenges, defined and formed a governance structure to drive change, and established consensus on an action plan to tackle top opportunities for improvements.

“I was surprised at how our view of our functional performance was much different from our internal customers’. We started some good channels of communication during this session.”
VP, Human Resources
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